Horse Arena Membrane
We provide geotextile membranes for horse arenas, manege and paddocks in our ready-made Entry Level, Superior, Premium and Prestige packages.
A typical package includes non woven membrane for the horse arena, strong and durable to withstand countless equestrian applications, providing the top layer of geotextile between the aggregate and topping finish of choice. In addition, a resilient woven geotextile membrane provides the base layer between the drainage and aggregate, which can also be used for wrapping of the land or channel drain. Single-sided geotextile tape will also be essential for your horse arena, manege and paddock installation, which in our experience has several advantages over alternative options such as glue and heat sealing.
We offer a variety of equestrian arena packages on the website, from geotextile fabrics of 600gsm plus, as mentioned, to EcoGrid surface protection and drainage layers. In our Premium package, EcoGrid provides a porous paving system for the top layer of your arena, renowned for its long-lasting durability and elasticity, making it ideal for arena footing. With its load bearing capacity of up to 500 tonnes, this product is incredibly reliable.
Care should be taken that horse arena membranes suit the sub-base requirement of your particular installation and the depth and quality of tread layer. We always recommend that installations are carried out by a suitably qualified and recognised industry professional.
Browse our range of packages below.