CornerStone 100 Geogrid Wall

Creating a CornerStone® reinforced retaining wall system, involves the use of geogrids for reinforcement. Cornerstone geogrid retaining walls 3.5ft (1.07m) and taller will automatically have active pressures because of their height. Retaining walls smaller than 3.5ft (1.07m) may also require geogrid reinforcement depending on other related factors. Parking lots, roadways, or positive slopes above walls for example, require the use of reinforcement to help resist the increased pressure behind the wall. Geogrid used with the appropriate lengths, layers, and compacted backfill materials will resist these active forces above and behind the wall. For CornerStone 100 geogrid reinforced retaining wall  3.5ft (1.07m) and taller a qualified engineer should be consulted.

Step 1: Planning Your Retaining Wall

  • Excavate and prepare Sub Base Leveling Trench 6″ below first course
  • Leveling Pad Trench is approximately 2.5′ to 3′ wide
  • Normal wall Burial Depth or Embedment Depth is 6″ to 12″ or one block (for more information refer to design manual)
  • Excavate cut line to a 2 to 1 slope or greater
  • Back of retaining wall excavation depth into the bank at the base of the wall should be from the face of wall to the designed length of Geogrid

Step 2: Cut Geogrid for retaining wall

  • Cut Geogrid Reinforcement to the length specified in the design
  • Geogrids are manufactured in two directions Uni-axial or Bi-axial. Uni-axial grid has one direction of strength and that direction has to be oriented perpendicularly to the face of the wall during installation. Bi-axial grid can be laid in two directions, perpendicular and lengthwise to the face of wall (ensure that the lengthwise direction is still in accordance to the length specified by the Engineer’s design)
  • Correct geogrid orientation, strength and length is crucial to the success of the retaining wall project
  • Each geogrid length should be laid parallel and adjacent to each other but never overlapping

Step 3: Lay Geogrid

  • Place the geogrid as far forward on the CornerStone® units as possible without revealing it on the face
  • Place the next course of CornerStone® units on top of the lower units and geogrid at a half bond
  • The two SecureLugs will fit securely into the hollow cores of the two units below and lock the geogrid into the gravel core
  • Pull the unit forward to engage and align the SecureLugs
  • Complete the installation of units on the Geogrid Reinforced courses
  • Make sure each unit is installed against the next unit leaving no gaps between unit joints
  • Tension the geogrid in such a way as NOT to disturb the alignment of the upper units
  • Use stakes or backfill materials to maintain the tension during backfilling
  • Do not drive equipment directly on top of geogrid

Step 4: Reinforced Backfill

  • Backfill and Compact the Reinforced Zone by placing materials from the back of the wall towards the end of the geogrid
  • Install drainage gravel in the cores and 6″ to 12″ behind the units after placing and compacting backfill materials
  • Install and compact backfill materials in 8″ Lifts until wall is complete

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By Chris|2021-09-15T17:07:55-06:00January 7th, 2016|CornerStone 100, Geogrid Wall, How To, Installation|

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