Woven Geotextiles

Woven Geotextiles

Woven geotextiles are a time-tested and cost-effective solution for a variety of applications including: stabilization of construction entrances and staging areas; bridging over soft soils; separating dissimilar soils; reinforced soil structures, shoreline erosion control; and bulkheads.

7 Common French Drain Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

7 Common French Drain Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Over the years we’ve worked with hundreds if not thousands of home owners and contractors about proper french drain installation and what type of fabric material is best to use. Many of the calls are from frustrated folks needing to replace failed drainage systems. we’ve gathered together a list of the most common French Drain Mistakes, so you can avoid these common pitfalls.

Driveway Fabric

Driveway Fabric

Heavy-duty woven driveway fabric (also referred to as driveway matting) helps a gravel driveway resist ruts and potholes while significantly increasing time between resurfacing. For a very long lasting gravel driveway install our fabric with Ground Grid which greatly reduces gravel migration. When placed underneath asphalt or concrete driveway, the fabric helps to reduce cracking which extends the life of the driveway. Our selection of driveway fabric meets most DOT specs.

Geotextile fabric: uses and applications

Geotextile fabric: uses and applications

Geotextiles are permeable fabrics consisting mainly of materials such as polypropylene and polyester. Depending on their manufacturing method, they may be woven or non woven, based upon the type of application they are intended for. Woven and non woven fabrics have different production methods. While non woven geotextile fabrics comprise fibres, filaments or other elements that are joined together randomly, in the case of woven fabrics, these yarns, fibres or filaments are intertwined. In this new post, we will focus on the features of applications of woven geotextile fabrics.

Geotextile membranes explained

Geotextile membranes explained

Geotextile membranes are pieces of fabric that are inserted into the ground as a form of protective membrane. They have a number of different functions and applications, depending on the circumstance of use, but are commonly used in drainage and engineering projects. Geotextile membranes are also known as geotextiles, or Terram – a brand that specialises in geotextiles and geocells.

6 oz Non-woven Geotextile

6 oz Non-woven Geotextile

We carry a great variety of sizes to meet most of your project needs Weight matters! You want to use the right weight. The heavier this stuff is the better for most projects. Most needle-punch filter-fabric comes in 2 oz, 4 oz, 6 oz, and 8 oz thicknesses. If you want to do your project right the first time, the 6 or 8 oz is what you need!

woven & nonwoven geotextile | Difference & uses ?

woven & nonwoven geotextile | Difference & uses ?

Geotextile (literally means the earth protector) is actually a textile made of polypropylene (P.P) or polyester (PES / PET) polymers, which are produced in woven and non-woven forms. Woven and Non-Woven Geotextile are permeable and have the ability to separate, filter, reinforce, protect or drain when used with soil. They are produced by various methods such as needle punching ,Heat Bonding, or chemical (Resin Bonding) and have a felt-like structure without specific warp and woof (non-woven). , Bearing pressure and shocks, bitumen absorption and most importantly the possibility of selective passage means the passage of fluids while soil particles are not allowed to pass.

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