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Our Mud Control Grids offer a convenient solution for efficiently covering extensive areas. While these grids effectively adapt to uneven terrain, optimal outcomes are achieved on level ground.

These mud management grids prioritize safety while enhancing stability and reinforcing the surface to support weights of approximately 25 tons (22,679 kilograms). Constructed from durable materials, they exhibit remarkable strength and resilience, ensuring long-lasting performance.

Mud Control Grids  | The Instant solution to mud

What is a mud control grid?

Product information “Mud control grids” Ideal for muddy paddocks, riding arenas, parking lots and pathways. The solution to prevent ground erosion. Excellent water drainage through the surface. And even in dry periods they keep the surface moist for longer.

How do I get rid of mud in my horse paddock?

There are several solutions for muddy paddocks. You can dig downhill trenches, create rock traps beneath mud-prone locations, add pea gravel, or invest in mud mats. 

How do you control mud in horse pastures?

To improve drainage, construct high-traffic pads in areas that have reduced or no vegetation or are compacted from frequent hoof traffic, such as dry lots and laneways. Plants can help reduce mud. A healthy stand of vegetation can take up moisture, anchor soil to prevent erosion and slow nutrient runoff.

How do you control mud on a construction site?

Installing a pad of gravel over filter cloth where construction traffic leaves a site can help stabilize sediment at a construction entrance/exit. As a vehicle drives over the pad, the pad removes mud and sediment from the wheels and reduces soil transport off the site.

Stable Ground Mud Solution

With their robust nature, these grids provide a stable surface that allows for smooth vehicular movement, eliminating the challenges of navigating through muddy conditions for cars, trucks, and other agricultural equipment.

The geogrid is made from durable punched polypropylene plastic and can be easily rolled out for installation.

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