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Nonwoven Geotextiles

Woven Geotextiles



Geosynthetics Clay Liner (GCL)




+86-159 9860 6917

Geotextile road fabric, often known as geotextile, plays a crucial role in bolstering road infrastructure. This specialized fabric offers multiple advantages, such as reinforcement, soil separation, and improved drainage, ultimately extending the lifespan of roads.

Geotextiles find common application beneath both paved and unpaved roadways, including industrial haul roads, primarily for separation and stabilization purposes. Employing geotextile fabric in road construction yields numerous advantages, encompassing four critical functions: separation, stabilization, reinforcement, and filtration. Road fabrics prove particularly vital when dealing with weak subgrade soils. The industry widely recognizes the benefits, notably the long-term enhancement of pavement performance through effective separation, especially in cases with a suitable subgrade.

As evidenced by many 30-year-old roads still maintaining their structural integrity, the use of road fabric during construction has been pivotal in achieving this longevity.

Road Fabric Essentials: Geotextiles for Stronger, More Durable Roads

What is road fabric called?

Road fabric is commonly referred to as “geotextile fabric” or simply “geotextile.” It is a permeable woven or non-woven textile material used in construction to provide various benefits such as reinforcement, separation, filtration, and drainage in road and civil engineering projects.

What is road fabric for?

Road fabric is a permeable woven geotextile that permits surface water to flow through the gravel to the underlying soil while retaining the necessary strength to minimize rutting and prevent subgrade soil particles from infiltrating the gravel surface, a process known as “pumping.”

The Role of Geotextile Fabric in Paved and Unpaved Road Construction

Is road fabric worth it?

Yes, if you want your driveway to last. Installing geotextile driveway fabric beneath your gravel driveway can eliminate the constant need for additional aggregate base material, as it facilitates the natural settling of rock into the subgrade layer.

Should I use geotextile fabric under the gravel driveway?

Most residential gravel driveways typically do not require heavy-duty grade geotextile fabrics. However, if you reside in a region with excessive rainfall and poorly draining soil, heavy-duty fabric may be a suitable choice. In general, other grades of geotextile fabric are more than sufficient for residential driveways.

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