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Geosynthetics Clay Liner (GCL)




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A geocell, also referred to as a cellular confinement system, is a support system that is typically employed by civil engineers for in-ground applications. Geocells are three-dimensional cellular structures made from high-density polyethylene, designed to confine, reinforce, and stabilize soil in a variety of applications. The working principle is simple yet ingenious: these cellular grids confine and interlock with soil, creating a rigid and load-bearing foundation. The purpose of a geocell is to enhance the performance of road construction, erosion control, slope stabilization, and ground reinforcement projects. These geosynthetic marvels not only improve load distribution but also promote sustainable, cost-effective solutions in civil engineering and environmental conservation.

What is a geocell?

Geocells are cellular confinement systems that were created as an easy and durable material that is used for stabilizing and protection. Cellular confinement systems effectively maintain the soil’s compaction, and, by doing so, create a stronger structure for both the infill and pavement.

What do geocells do?

Geocells play a crucial role in safeguarding slopes against erosion while aiding in surface stabilization. These cells adapt to the terrain and form a three-dimensional barrier that effectively restricts the lateral movement of soil particles. By doing so, geocells serve as a preventative measure against landslides and ensure the overall stability of the slope.

How much does a geocell cost?

The cost of a high-quality HDPE geocell will depend largely on the company and size of your project, as they can range anywhere from $0.5 to $5 per square meter depending on quality and brand.

What do you fill geocell with?

Agtec Geocell can be filled with base layers such as gravel, sand, rock, and soil to keep the material in place and greatly increase the strength of the base layer.

the new system for the surface drainage

Geocells are composed of vinyl web structures that are placed on the ground to deliver structural support and stability. When these structures are filled with soil or aggregate material, they effectively reinforce the ground. Geocells find widespread usage in various applications such as driveways, roads, and soil stabilization projects. Additionally, they are employed for erosion control on slopes. Notably, geocells are popular due to their long-lasting nature, with an average lifespan of over 20 years, and their ease of installation.

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