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Nonwoven Geotextiles

Woven Geotextiles



Geosynthetics Clay Liner (GCL)




+86-159 9860 6917

Non-woven geotextile fabric is a vital component in civil engineering projects, offering numerous benefits and applications. This synthetic fabric, composed of mechanically bonded fibers, provides filtration, separation, reinforcement, and drainage capabilities.

 It finds extensive use in road construction, landfills, erosion control, and drainage systems. Its high strength, excellent filtration properties, and resistance to UV degradation make it a durable and reliable choice. Proper installation techniques ensure optimal performance, making non-woven geotextile fabric an essential element in ensuring the longevity and stability of infrastructure projects.

What is the difference between a woven and nonwoven geotextile?

What is non-woven geotextile fabric?

Non-woven geotextile fabric is a synthetic material designed specifically for civil engineering applications. It is composed of synthetic fibers that are mechanically bonded together, forming a porous fabric structure.

What are the functions of non-woven geotextile fabric?

Non-woven geotextile fabric serves multiple functions, including filtration, separation, reinforcement, and drainage. It prevents the mixing of soil layers, provides stability to embankments, controls erosion, and allows for efficient water flow.

Where is non-woven geotextile fabric used?

This fabric finds applications in various civil engineering projects such as road construction, landfills, embankments, retaining walls, erosion control, railway tracks, and drainage systems. It is also used in environmental projects like soil stabilization and water conservation.

What are the advantages of using non-woven geotextile fabric?

The advantages of non-woven geotextile fabric include its high strength, excellent filtration properties, resistance to UV degradation, and chemical stability. It offers durability, reduces maintenance costs, and enhances the overall performance and longevity of infrastructure projects.

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